I originally started this business in 1994 as a costumer, dealing mainly in Medieval, Renaissance and Victorian times. As I "climbed my family tree" I realized I had a strong Celtic background. My research into the history showed me a beautiful art form called knotwork. As my love for Celtic knotwork grew, so did the realization that all I could find were t-shirts and jewelry with the decorations. I wanted other options, so I designed and made a few articles of clothing.
Well, the response was astounding. Thus the business grew; and we are still growing. We welcome suggestions and comments. I hope you enjoy these clothes as much as we do. We specialize in creating everyday wear that is unique to the Celtic Culture. If you don't see what you're looking for please feel free to email us - maybe we can help!

Companies We've Worked With in the Past

Pastime Productions - (now permanently closed)

Medieval Manor - themed diner theater in MA (now permanently closed)